Will AI Endanger Humanity? Nobel Scientists Warn of the Risks


The universe's past has been shaped throughout billions of years of evolution. Thousands of years ago, many species existed only in history. Powerful species, such as dinosaurs, have disappeared over time. Now the question is whether humanity is in danger of extinction. Even if the question is not immediately addressed, two Nobel Prize-winning physicists have stated that the information is frightening! Even a few decades ago, people would have questioned the issue of extinction. Man has risen to unprecedented heights in his pursuit of knowledge and science. As a result, they have expanded across space in quest of a more advanced form of life. However, there currently exists a world in which people are becoming increasingly helpless. Their creation's artificial intelligence has surpassed that of  its human originator.  For several years, artificial intelligence has emerged as an alternative to humans in all kinds of professions. Artificial intelligence is being used in sports from solving mathematical problems to drawing pictures and writing songs. Doing these things accurately and quickly saves people's time and labor to a great extent. However, among all the good aspects, as well as the bad aspects, artificial intelligence has also been caught. After working, the memory of the artificial intelligence cannot be erased, but the information of all the work of the world is stored in its repository. These traits can be automatically distinguished by mathematical analysis. In many settings, artificial intelligence is able to exploit this knowledge independently. All technological devices worldwide now use artificial intelligence, or AI.  Almost everyone in the globe may have artificial intelligence in their homes because to social media platforms like Facebook, Google, and other mobile phone smart devices. After a while, we receive a lot of social media allusions when friends discuss food or current affairs. Artificial intelligence has been continuously monitoring individuals. Two scientists who were awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Physics also conducted research in artificial intelligence. In honor of their accomplishments in machine learning, John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton were given the highest honor. As the human brain is made up of billions of neurons in memory, the two Nobel-winning scientists have also developed a neuron model for artificial intelligence! Hopfield developed a system that could both store and reassemble data. And Hinton developed a method that can independently find features in data. It plays an important role in the neural networks used today. That is, after the birth of the child, it gradually becomes self-sufficient by gathering information from around, artificial intelligence will also become self-sufficient by accumulating information in the same way.  There is a huge difference with humans. While human memory can hold limited information, AI has no such limit. Therefore, the collective qualities of thousands of people can be accumulated within an artificial intelligence. And this is what two Nobel-winning scientists are afraid of. They say that the machinery of the Industrial Revolution outstripped the physical capabilities of man. And artificial intelligence is surpassing their talent! If left unchecked, artificial intelligence could overtake humans and take control of the future. From traffic lights to nuclear weapons, everything will be controlled in their hands. If the machine and unimaginable intelligence are added to it artificial intelligence will assert its superiority over humans as superior as in Hollywood movies!

The universe's past has been shaped throughout billions of years of evolution. Thousands of years ago, many species existed only in history. Powerful species, such as dinosaurs, have disappeared over time. Now the question is whether humanity is in danger of extinction. Even if the question is not immediately addressed, two Nobel Prize-winning physicists have stated that the information is frightening! Even a few decades ago, people would have questioned the issue of extinction. Man has risen to unprecedented heights in his pursuit of knowledge and science. As a result, they have expanded across space in quest of a more advanced form of life. However, there currently exists a world in which people are becoming increasingly helpless. Their creation's artificial intelligence has surpassed that of  its human originator.

For several years, artificial intelligence has emerged as an alternative to humans in all kinds of professions. Artificial intelligence is being used in sports from solving mathematical problems to drawing pictures and writing songs. Doing these things accurately and quickly saves people's time and labor to a great extent. However, among all the good aspects, as well as the bad aspects, artificial intelligence has also been caught. After working, the memory of the artificial intelligence cannot be erased, but the information of all the work of the world is stored in its repository. These traits can be automatically distinguished by mathematical analysis. In many settings, artificial intelligence is able to exploit this knowledge independently. All technological devices worldwide now use artificial intelligence, or AI.

Almost everyone in the globe may have artificial intelligence in their homes because to social media platforms like Facebook, Google, and other mobile phone smart devices. After a while, we receive a lot of social media allusions when friends discuss food or current affairs. Artificial intelligence has been continuously monitoring individuals. Two scientists who were awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Physics also conducted research in artificial intelligence. In honor of their accomplishments in machine learning, John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton were given the highest honor. As the human brain is made up of billions of neurons in memory, the two Nobel-winning scientists have also developed a neuron model for artificial intelligence! Hopfield developed a system that could both store and reassemble data. And Hinton developed a method that can independently find features in data. It plays an important role in the neural networks used today. That is, after the birth of the child, it gradually becomes self-sufficient by gathering information from around, artificial intelligence will also become self-sufficient by accumulating information in the same way.

There is a huge difference with humans. While human memory can hold limited information, AI has no such limit. Therefore, the collective qualities of thousands of people can be accumulated within an artificial intelligence. And this is what two Nobel-winning scientists are afraid of. They say that the machinery of the Industrial Revolution outstripped the physical capabilities of man. And artificial intelligence is surpassing their talent! If left unchecked, artificial intelligence could overtake humans and take control of the future. From traffic lights to nuclear weapons, everything will be controlled in their hands. If the machine and unimaginable intelligence are added to it artificial intelligence will assert its superiority over humans as superior as in Hollywood movies!

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    Will AI Endanger Humanity? Nobel Scientists Warn of the Risks

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